Saturday, July 28, 2007

Saturday July 28th - Budget Day

Well purchased a new budget program online and I have finally taken the time to start learing how to use it and implement it my financial program.

Check out

I figured out how to download my checking account transactions and put them into categories. Did all the transactions back to May 2007. Now I'm identifying each transaction (there are alot of them) and determining which category it is going into - I have a feeling that its going to be an eyeopener. I am currently doing a budget with an excel spreadsheet but I haven't used a tool to track all my transactions.

Tomorrow I have to pay one credit card off and pay our electric bill (its outrageous)! Do grocery shopping and have in the budget to get some school supplies for 12 year old DD. She starts school on August 27th - the 6th grade.

Well I guess my actions are making an impression - my brother-in-law (he read TMMO) is now working like gazelle to get out of debt. He had one debt that he wanted paid - for the last three months he's worked 50+ hours and put all his checks/overtime on it. He was over here today and told me its paid off. Now he's going to start his snowball and pay all his credit cards off....

Its getting late and I need to get to bed - going to 8:00 am Mass in the morning. Tomorrow is housecleaning and decluttering day for DD and me. She has to earn $30 that I loaned her.


1 comment:

My Gen Research said...

Yay for paying off a credit card! :)